Entry fee payment
IBAN: SK 20 1100 0000 002625847374,
Account owner: Klub športovej streľby Komárno
Bank address: Tatra Banka banka a.s., Hodžovo námestie 3, 811 06 Bratislava 1, Slovak Republic
Your name and surname plus registration symbol received after registration is symbol for payment identification. If you pay for more shooters by one sum, please write names and symbols for all shooter to information. We are asking kindly all shooters paying from abroad to pay banking charge fo rmoney transfer.
In case you do not receive acknowledge email on week after your payment, please send email to match director – mosquito.match@europe.com.
PAYMENT DEADLINE for entry fee payment (payment received on our account) - 10 days after registration and no later then 25.4.2023
After this date, the entry fee is no subject to refund, but can be transferred to other unsquaded and registered shooters.
The organizer reserves the right to change the date of competition.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation and possible epidemiologic actions in Slovakia and other EU countries, the organizer reserves the right to change the date of competition. In this case competition will be held in alternate date –
3. - 4. 9. 2022. Paid starting fee is transferred to this alternate date and is not subject to the refund right.
1. You agree by your registration and payment that your following „Personal Data“ :
- name and surname
- email address - birth date
- photo and video of the event
- telephone number
willingly give to the organizer: Klub športovej streľby Komárno, ICO: 42042780, as „Administrators“.
1. Your data will be preserved by the Administrators for 5 years from the date of the permit (the date of permit is the date of registration for event).
- your Personal Data must be preserved for registration, recording and awarding by Administrators of the event.
- your Personal Data must be preserved for marketing activities of Administrators, social media, webpages, informations about outgoing activities.
2. You declare, that all your Personal Data provided are true. You can decide to withdraw approval by sending us an email to an email adress: viktor.reken@gmail.com.
3. Administrator is using your Personal Data automatically and manually by Administrators and their Organising Team. Personal Data will be handled manually processing statistic system and Statistic and Marketing Team and processing by software and statistic service.
5. You can always:
- withdraw your permit
- be informed about your Personal Data
- erase your Personal informations
- update your Personal Data by writing an email to email address: viktor.reken@gmail.com